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Solar power fresh from the balcony

Our solar systems for balconies are perfect for producing your own solar power, even in urban areas. Regardless of whether you have a thick or thin handrail – our developed and statically tested balcony hooks beautify every balcony and supply it with new energy
Now there is only one question: with or without storage?

SolMate Balcony

Mini PV system on the balcony with electricity storage

  • Storage of surplus solar energy
  • Continuous power supply even after sunset
  • Increased independence and emergency power supply
SolMate Balcony
ASD02854 Kopie


Mini PV system on the balcony without electricity storage

  • Direct use of the solar energy generated
  • Reduces power consumption during the day
  • Inexpensive to purchase, easy to maintain
LightMate Balcony

Balcony power stations are the ideal solution for anyone who does not have their own roof or garden, but does have a balcony or terrace, as they can be easily hung over the railing.



A balcony power station basically works like a large solar power system by converting sunlight into electricity. This electricity flows via a cable from the inverter directly into your socket and supplies your electrical appliances. If you produce more energy than you consume, you can either feed the surplus into the public grid or, if you have a solar storage unit, store it for later. What’s more, our balcony power plants not only provide energy, but also serve as a stylish and functional privacy screen.


A balcony power plant, also known as a small photovoltaic system with a capacity of up to 800 watt peak or 0.8 kilowatt peak, is ideal for mounting on a balcony or terrace and aims to produce electricity for your own use. These systems, often referred to as 'mini PV systems' due to their output, offer a practical solution for those living in urban environments or without access to their own roof to still benefit from solar energy. They are a simple and efficient way to generate sustainable energy within your own four walls and reduce your personal carbon footprint.


Balcony power plants not only offer the obvious benefit of saving energy and thereby reducing environmental impact, but also enable people with limited space or without access to their own roof to produce solar energy themselves. Another major advantage of these systems is that they can be installed without extensive structural work or the need for special permits, making them an uncomplicated and quick solution for getting started with solar energy generation. In addition, all that is required to commission a balcony power plant is a simple notification to the relevant grid operators, which significantly reduces the administrative workload. These low-threshold requirements make balcony power plants an attractive option for environmentally conscious city dwellers who want to actively contribute to climate protection without having to rely on large investments or lengthy approval processes.

What does Plug and Play mean?

Plug and Play stands for uncomplicated installation, with solar panels, inverters, cabling and plugs already integrated and preset so that no special technical knowledge is required. Simply position or fix the solar modules on the balcony, connect them to the inverter and then connect it to a socket using a cable. If you choose a system with storage, this is simply connected in between. Once connected, the system is immediately ready for operation and feeds the electricity generated directly into the household grid. Plug and play can therefore also apply to storage systems.

  • Benefits of a balcony power plant

    ✔ little bureaucracy

    ✔ Plug and play

    ✔ Space saving

  • What to look out for?

    ✔ Alignment to the sun

    ✔ Notification to the grid operator

    ✔ Little attack surface for wind

Our balcony power plant systems are designed so that they can be easily installed by private individuals. It is therefore not necessary to hire a specialist and no special changes need to be made to the house installation. However, get a second person to help you with the installation!